Information about Special
Extensive researches among housewives and professional cooks show, that preparing chicken fillet and making it tasty and tender is a real challenge to them because of its size and thickness. Most of the people asked share the opinion that chicken fillet can not be made really tasty. Sometimes it is difficult for grilling or roasting in a pan - the surface burns, and turns out hard, dry and threadlike while the meat inside remains raw. In order to prevent that, many housewives and cooks try to slice the fillet on its length in order to receive two equal thinner parts. And that is not so easy to be achieved in a normal kitchen, and it is impossible when the chicken fillet is marinated before the purchase.
That is why our specialists have worked out method and machines that divide the original thick fillet into equal parts. We called the new products „fillet slice” under the brand „Ludogorsko pile”. The slice fillet is two times thinner and the quality of the taste and the penetrating depth of the marinade and the herbs are incomparable. There is no danger for the meat inside to remain raw, it is cooked in minutes, without burning the surface, it remains tender and is easy for consumption for children and adults.
All marinated fillets „Ludogorsko pile” from the closed cycle of production of Ameta are sliced fillets. Natural fillet slice is also available on the market. The product saves time, is easy to cook and has unique taste. Look for the sticker ” TWO TIMES THINNER”.