„Ludogorsko pile” is a product of the closed cycle of production of Ameta Holding JSC. The taste of the natural chicken meat is guaranteed by the feed used and the controlled growing conditions for the chickens in the farms.
The safety of the products is secured by the high technologies used and the constant control in the processing plant of Ameta Holding JSC.
Ameta follows the whole production cycle starting from the selection of the grains that are used in the poultry feed till market distribution.
The company owned feed mill „Furaj Rossitsa” and grain storages, as well as the traditionally close relationships with grain farmers guarantee daily control of every single delivery. The feed is produced in two production lines under strict quality control.
The breeders are from naturally selected breeds grown in own isolated houses, where in controlled environment (on straw litter without cages) they lay fertile eggs in specially designed for that purpose nests. The collected eggs are sorted and incubated in modern hatcheries. After 21 days the hatched chickens are transported with specialized vehicle (highly tehnologicaly air conditioned in order to maintain the set temperature and moisture) to the broiler farms– the broilers are grown again on straw litter without cages.
The broilers as well as the breeders are fed with special feed produced from selected grains and feed components from cereals and oilseeds and others. Different feed is produced for the different animal ages with the most appropriate values of protein and energy.
In all farms computer controlled microclimate is secured through complicated system of ventilation, cooling and heating. The company buys from the Bulgarian farmers not only grains but also straw that comes as a traditional problem for most of them. All company farms are situated in North Bulgaria.
After reaching the necessary age, the chickens are transported to the processing plant “PilCo” (part of the holding) with specialized vehicles.
The processing plant „PilCo” is equipped with modern technology for killing and evisceration, chilling, cut up and packing of the meat. The high level of the equipment, the strict rules for employee disinfection, cleaning of the equipment and the premises provide the high safety level of the products produced. The processing plant is licensed to sell all around the European union under number BG 1702001. The strict applying of self-control and BRC (Global Standard for Food Safety), as well as the constant inspection from the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency guarantee the products safety and quality.
The products produced are transported with specialized vehicles with controlled temperatures to the whole retail network, warehouses and restaurants.
The company is Grade А international supplier of KFC and annually passes audits and inspections from specialized institutions.
The products under the brand „Ludogorsko pile” from the closed production cycle of Ameta are sold in the whole retail network in the country and are exported to Romania, Greece, Macedonia, UK, France and Cyprus.